Chaperone Ticket
A full day of summer fun at Driftwood Day Camp to celebrate our 5th graders!! We will have the entire 20+ acre campus and state of the art facilities to ourselves, to enjoy swimming, games, adventures, athletics, a delicious BBQ lunch (chaperones receive lunch as well) and so much more. All activities will be facilitated by trained Driftwood staff. Chaperones are on hand to enjoy watching the kids and helping with needs that arise. Chaperones self transport to/from Driftwood Wed. 6/7 (rain date 6/15): 331 Mt. Misery Rd, Melville, NY Buses arrive at 9:45, depart at 2:15, chaperones can stay for the whole time or a portion of the time. If you plan to take your child home directly from Driftwood a note must be submitted by Tuesday, June 6th to both child's classroom teacher and Principal Reilly ....Read more
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