Committee Chair

Thank you for volunteering to chair a committee.  Without your help it would be impossible to provide the students with all the wonderful Parents’ Council events. Everything you need is here. If you should need anything more please don’t hesitate to reach out to our Co-Vice Presidents or Co-Presidents.

Reference Documents

If your event has a budget and requires reimbursement:

Parent Council Meeting Dates

Tells about your event by sharing it in the Friday Folder (Instructions).

After your event tell us and future chairs about it in the event report:


Responsibilities & Guidelines

The following are the responsibilities and guidelines for all committee chairpersons:

  1. Review the prior year’s report in your packet and do not hesitate to contact last year’s chairperson(s) with any questions you may have.  Please take special note of the timetable you need to establish for preparation of your particular event.  In addition, be sure to take advantage of any suggestions mentioned in the report, which may help to make your job easier.
  2. If your event uses school facilities, an application for “Use of School Facilities” has been filed for you.  If you need a copy or there is a change in the event, please contact either of the Co-Vice Presidents.
  3. Be sure to carefully read the Treasury Regulations included in this packet. Check Request forms are also included.  If your event requires start-up money please remember to call the Treasurer. If you should have any questions, please call our Treasurer.
  4. Cash boxes are in the file cabinet in the LVEPC Office.  Be sure to return them to the same cabinet at the end of your event.  DO NOT pay out any expenses from money earned at the event.  Submit a “request a check” form to the Treasurer for any expenses.
  5. Our LVEPC office is available to you.  We welcome you to use the office for your meetings when planning your event.  The room is furnished with tables, chairs and toys for little ones to play with as well as office supplies.  Please try to keep it as you found it.
  6. If your event requires paper goods, please be sure to use whatever is in the hospitality cabinet located in the LVEPC office before purchasing anything new.  If you use the coffee pots, trays, etc. please be sure to clean them out thoroughly before putting them away.
  7. Should a volunteer sign-up sheet be needed, please give yourself enough time.  We recommend passing it around at a LVEPC meeting two months before your event.  This will allow you an extra month to repeat, if necessary. A copy of a “Volunteer Sign-Up Sheet” is available at  This form will also be sent to you via email.
  8. Please be certain to call all volunteers (even if you have enough help) to thank them for signing up.  Try to get new people involved.  Try not to call the same people repeatedly.  We want each person to know we need and appreciate them.
  9. Friday Folder procedures are on a separate instruction sheet. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY.
  10. Please take photos.  Contact the Bulletin Board Chairpersons to have pictures displayed on our school bulletin boards and other publications.  You have put a lot of work into this event so let everyone see what a great job you have done.  It will also help future chairpersons to be able to see what the event looked like.
  11. The School District has reviewed and modified their policy regarding raffles in the school.  There can be no sales of chances to students during the school day on school property as part of a Parent Organization fundraising activity.
  12. It is your responsibility to prepare a detailed written report about your event upon completion.  Please refer to the LVEPC Report Guidelines for what should be included in your report.  The report should be given to one of the Co-Vice Presidents no later than two weeks after the completion of our event.
  13. The Parents’ Council will send out an email reminder through the email notification system for your event.  It is your responsibility to compose your own email with all of the information for your event and send it to either Co-President for approval and distribution.

Suggestions and comments are always welcome throughout the year.  We are grateful for your help and dedication to our Parents’ Council and our school.  Please remember there is no right or wrong way to chair an event.  Just enjoy yourself!