Event Overview

Year of Events (2023 – 2024)

(AMP – Ann MacArthur Primary, LVI – Locust Valley Intermediate)

Activity Dates School  Description
Tears & Cheers September 6 9:15 @ AMP AMP & LVI There is no better way to become familiar with our schools than at the Tears & Cheers Breakfast.  Take this opportunity to learn more about the Locust Valley Elementary Parents’ Council and have your questions answered.  Committee Chairpersons provide a continental breakfast and babysitting is available.  Munch, mingle and make new friends!
Fall Fundraiser September 18 – Begins AMP & LVI One of our largest fundraisers, the LVEPC earns a generous percentage on every item sold. Although we do not promote door-to-door sales, we ask that you assist your child in sharing the brochure
Kindergarten Meet & Greet September 15 @ AMP 3:30 AMP & LVI One of our largest fundraisers, the LVEPC earns a generous percentage on every item sold. Although we do not promote door-to-door sales, we ask that you assist your child in sharing the brochure
Back to School Night Spirit Sale September 21stSeptember 28th AMPLVI Show your school spirit by purchasing and wearing Locust Valley Elementary School athletic apparel.  This committee selects the clothing that will be offered for sale, and distributes order forms to parents.  Volunteers are needed to help distribute completed orders and assist with sales at certain school events.
Family Picnic October 13- 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.Rain Date: Oct. 20 AMP & LVI A fun evening where Locust Valley Elementary families picnic on the field of the Ann MacArthur Primary (AMP) School and enjoy each other’s company.  This is a great opportunity to meet your child’s new classmates and their families.  All parents are called upon to donate beverages and desserts for this fun event.  Many volunteers are also needed to help with the setup and clean up.
Fall Book Fair October 12th – October 13th during school hoursDuring the Family Picnic:October 13 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. AMP & LVI This is a wonderful way to get students involved in reading.  A fine selection of books and products are available from Scholastic Books.  Each child has the opportunity to shop at the Fair for books with his/her class.  A special Family Night during the Family Picnic provides shopping, games, and refreshments for all.  Many volunteers are needed to help organize this three day event and assist the children while they are shopping with their class.  The proceeds go directly toward the purchase of new books for both AMP and LVIE school libraries.  Give the gift of reading.
Class Pictures October 2nd AMP & LVI SMILE!!  The
LVEPC has arranged for a professional photography studio to come to AMP &
LVI to take both individual & class pictures.  Parent Volunteers are
needed to help organize the classes in each school.
Halloween Hullabaloo October 27th 4:30 – 6:00 p.m. LVI Grades 3-5 only.
Join us for a Halloween Costume Party!!  All participants must be in costume and ready for a great DJ and ghoulish fun.  Parent volunteers chaperone, set up game booths and provide treats for all the children.  Do not miss this one – many volunteers are needed.
Holiday Boutique December 5th  – 6th AMP & LVI Nothing is more rewarding than the gleam in our children’s eyes as they thoughtfully purchase their holiday gifts for family members.  At this LVEPC sponsored event, children have an opportunity to shop with their classmates and purchase gifts for their loved ones.  All classes attend the boutique during the school day.  Committee members pre-select the items to be purchased, set up display tables and help the children make their purchases.  Many volunteers are needed.
Gingerbread House Making Party Dec. 1st at 5 – 6pm AMP
International Food Festival  February 1st AMP & LVI Let’s band together as one community and celebrate our many cultures by enjoying a variety of foods from around the world!  Many volunteers are needed to help cook and set up.  Let’s cherish and preserve our cultural diversity.
PARP (Parents as Reading Partners) February 12th – 16th AMP & LVI PARP is a two-week long reading celebration that engages our children, parents and school communities in a number of hands on reading activities.  This program is designed to foster a lifelong love of reading in children.
Fantastic Circus March 8th at 7:00 pm at the MS/HS LVI
Sports Game Night April 12th 3:30 – 5:30pm LVI (Grades 3 to 5 only) This LVEPC sponsored event is an exciting evening for all Locust Valley Intermediate students.  Children come dressed for the theme and play games and listen to a great DJ.  Snacks and beverages are provided for all.  Many parent volunteers are needed to chaperone and set up sports related game booths.
Art Show & Open House May 12thMay 9th AMPLVI
Author’s Day  AMP & LVI The LVEPC sponsors children’s book authors to visit our schools and share their writing experiences with the students.  Assemblies are held for each grade, giving the students an opportunity to meet and question the author.  Children and teachers alike spend weeks preparing for this wonderful day.  Committee volunteers schedule the day’s events for the author and provide autographed books for parents to purchase.
Science Fair (Grades 3 to 5 only) March 19th (LVI Gym) LVI An evening of proud parent moments as our children’s science projects are displayed for all to see. Students create their projects at home, under the guidelines provided by the LVEPC Science Fair Committee. It’s a fun and educational experience.
Mother/Son Bowling May 19th LVI Only
Annual Benefit for our Children TBD AMP & LVI  Spend a fabulous evening out dining and dancing with fellow parents while helping to raise funds for the many LVEPC programs.  Committee volunteers organize this event and oversee the donation of the many great raffle baskets that are there for the winning!
Daddy Daughter Dance March 14th @ 6 – 8pm  LVI
Kindergarten Orientation May 17th @ 9:30am AMP
Staff Appreciation Luncheon May 10th AMP & LVI Our committee create a special luncheon for our teachers and staff to thank them for all of their hard work.
Field Day June 14th,Rain date: June 18th
June 21st, Rain date: June 24nd
 AMPLVI This wonderful event is run by our school’s Athletic Department and involves all the children in fun outdoor activities.  LVEPC volunteers are needed to provide refreshments for the children during the course of the morning.
Grade 2 Celebration June 9th AMP
Grade 5 Trip June 7th,
Rain date June 10th
LVI The LVEPC tries to make our fifth graders last year at LVE memorable.  Many fun activities are planned, starting with the Fifth Grade Family Picnic, the Fifth Grade Student Breakfast and ending with the beautiful Moving Up Ceremony in June.  The assistance of many fourth and fifth grade parents is needed.
Grade 5 Breakfast June 25th LVI
Grade 5 Moving Up Ceremony June 25th LVI
 Kindergarten Celebration June 25th at 9:30am AMP

Ongoing Activities

The following are activities that are not scheduled for a specific date.

Activity Description
After School Enrichment Program

Committee volunteers
organize this after school program for the children of AMP & LVI.  The
classes offered include arts & crafts, tennis, chess, yoga & karate

.  Classes are taught by both Locust Valley Elementary teachers and outside instructors.  The possibilities are endless!

Beautification Committee The LVEPC takes pride in the appearance of our schools.  This committee works to create seasonal arrangements in the planters in the front of each school as well as placing festive holiday decorations and banners to bring a smile to the children’s faces each morning.  New ideas and helping hands are welcome.
Box Tops for Education Committee We encourage everyone to clip and save Box Tops Logos from all participating General Mills products.  Our schools earn up to 10 cents for each one collected.  This is a fun and easy way for LVEPC to raise money, $600 last year!!.  Committee volunteers conduct monthly classroom collections and submit all Box Tops to General Mills.  Awards are presented monthly to the classes that collect the most Box Tops.  For additional ways to help our schools earn more money, visit the Box Tops for Education website at www.boxtops4education.com.
Budget Committee The committee is made up of concerned parents who wish to get involved in the annual school budget process.  Parent volunteers work with the Locust Valley Central School District Board of Education, Administration, and the districts parent organizations to develop communications to inform residents about the annual school district budget vote in May.  It is a great opportunity to have a voice in the budget process.
Health & Nutrition This committee works to provide healthy food choices in the cafeteria for our children.  Meetings of this committee are open to all interested parents.
Outreach Committee Outreach is a program within the Parent Council that raises funds to help Locust Valley Elementary families during difficult and challenging times.
Bulletin Board Committee Are you creative?  Do you enjoy taking photographs?  Committee volunteers are needed to help decorate the LVEPC bulletin boards located in AMP and LVI.  These bulletin boards are updated monthly with pictures from our events and are proudly displayed for children and parents to view.
Room Parent/Committee Chairperson Breakfast Meeting

If you are a Class Room Parent or a Committee Chairperson you are required to attend this
breakfast meeting hosted by the LVEPC Co-Vice Presidents.  Your
responsibilities will be discussed in detain & you will be provided with an
important information packet.

Student Directory
The LVEPC used to gift a printed directory to each family.  We have brought it to the digital age and maintain an online directory.  The directory is lifeline for families to contact new friends and send invites to birthday parties.  The job involves:

  • Setting up for the next year by moving all the classes up a grade.
  • Getting the word out at the beginning of the year for people to update or add their personal info to their profile that will be shared under login.
  • Updating current data by putting children into the right classroom at the beginning of the year
  • Review new registration data
Site Base Committee – AMP, LVI, SEPTA Parents, teachers and administrators work together to identify where improvements can be made and implement solutions.  Site Based Teams have been instrumental in addressing topics such as student achievement, quality of curriculum and instruction, and safety and building issues pertaining to each individual site, etc.  Meeting dates and times are decided upon by members of the individual sites.  Take advantage of this great opportunity to work cohesively with administrators and teachers.