5th Grade LVI Parent Chaperone Ticket
Wednesday, May 24th is the big Broadway day! -Based on the number of children that purchase tickets, plus required staff, there will be a block of tickets available for chaperones -Purchasing ticket does NOT GUARANTEE that you will be able to attend, it secures your place on the waiting list. -Prompt refunds will be issued if chaperone tickets are not available -NO SIBLINGS are allowed to attend -Each chaperone will receive a colorful t-shirt, that they are required to wear, so everyone in the group is easy to identify -Seats on the coach bus are limited, some chaperones may need or choose to self-transport -Arrive at the theatre for the 1:00pm matinee performance, runtime including intermission is 2 hours 30 minutes -Chaperones assigned to a group of children by teachers must ride the bus to and from the performance -Parents who are not official chaperones assigned to a group will be allowed to take their child directly after performance, and not travel back to LVI with group, as long as required permission slip is signed prior to trip. -If parents who are not official chaperones assigned to a group are going to take child other than their own directly from performance, required permission slip completed by child's parents must be signed and submitted prior to trip. ....Read more
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